Financial Technology

Noovosoft automates the entire gamut of financial transactions of your operations, which will be safe, secure and reliable.

Our Fintech Expertise

Payment processing

Transactions related to selling products or service commissions, using a wide range of payment gateways.

Recurring payments

Automated monthly subscriptions or billing, agreed upfront by both parties involved.

Digital wallet

Virtual wallets that hold currency or cryptocurrency and provide one-click payments.

P2P lending

Peer-to-peer platforms for lending money directly to individuals or businesses without involving other intermediaries.


Bitcoin development, Ethereum smart contracts and Stellar payment solutions.


Tamper-proof data storage using a private or public network ledger.

Client testimonials

We are very proud of the services we provide and stand by every product we develop. Read our testimonials from our happy customers.
Handling a retail project is very complicated, and we are delighted to work with Noovosoft. They really are our technology partners working on various solutions.
Stijn Rigaux - Purchase & Sales Manager
We are following the lean startup approach and Noovosoft has helped us a lot with that. We can come up with slick solutions and test and adjust quickly.
David Wartmann - Head of Strategy and Finance
Noovosoft are super cool guys to work with. They understand the start-up scene really well and I’m very happy with their work. Looking for a long term relation.
Yasser Barona - Founder
We were able to promise our clients that we would have a demo of the new software ready in six weeks. We never thought we’d make the deadline, but Noovosoft delivered!
Michael Postma - Founder